Celebrating Two Years of Leadership Sharing

It is hard for me to believe that this journey of learning and sharing ideas on leadership is now two years strong. I remember how hard it was for me to push the ‘publish’ button on that first article I posted. I was not sure how it would be received, if anyone would read it, or if anyone would care. Two years later, I enjoy the research, the learning, and the feedback I get from hitting ‘publish’ twice a week on a featured article and once for a leadership quote.By design, to this point, the site has not been driven by comments, but I would like to explore the idea of a leadership sharing forum in the future. There are so many great ideas from readers and other leaders that are both new to their roles and wise with years of experience. Bringing those together to create discussions and ideas that can be put into action would be a perfect evolution of what Effective Retail Leader is all about.I am continually inspired by people I speak to who have read an article and shared how it worked for them or how they used it with their team. From my day to day work, I continuously see ideas for future articles where I have observed or participated in conversations that I know would be helpful to other leaders in similar situations. The retail environment is not all that different regardless of the name on the outside of the building. So many of these principles apply in hardline retail stores, softline stores, restaurants, even hotels, or services support companies.

Looking Ahead

The Effective Retail Leader website has remained relatively the same for these two years, so it seems like it is time for some gradual updates and changes. Over the next several months, we will be updating the look and feel of the site to make it a little cleaner to navigate and expand some of the other areas, such as resources. I will be adding more resources to the website that can be downloaded and used for your interactions with your teams. I also hope to introduce some ‘for purchase’ items in 2020. These would be value-driven facilitator’s guides to help bring leadership learning to even more people.


As hard as it was to push ‘publish’ on that first article two years ago, it is even harder to press ‘record’ on the camera to capture some video. But, I am planning to dip my toe into that area at some point next year also. This will open the door to some new ideas and ways to share leadership ideas in an age where video is everywhere.


I have dedicated many articles to productivity over the past two years. And I continue to get positive feedback and requests for more information like that to help leaders better manage their time, activities, and their lives. So, in 2020, I plan to introduce a new site dedicated to productivity to work hand in hand with being an Effective Retail Leader. Expect to hear more about the new Productive Retail Leader website in Q1 2020. I am excited to share more on that subject on a regular basis. I will continue to share two articles on leadership each week, plus at least one article on the new site.So, that is a quick look back on the last two years and a glance forward to the year ahead. I cannot thank everyone enough who have signed up for the newsletters or subscribed to the website for your support and continued enthusiasm for learning more about being the best leader you can be. My mission is to help everyone be the leader others choose to follow. Your support and encouragement helps me work towards that same mission in everything I do. THANK YOU!What else would you like to see in the coming year? What subjects are you most interested in? What recommendations do you have for updates on the website? I would LOVE to hear your ideas and suggestions. Send me a note directly or share your comments below.Join other retail leaders in continuing their development journey with Effective Retail Leader.com. SUBSCRIBE today to receive FREE leadership tips directly to your inbox and monthly newsletters that provide many tools to help further develop your leadership skills all at no cost. JOIN NOW!No spam ever - just leadership goodness.


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