September FAQ - Top Performer Slow Down
There are always reasons for sudden or even gradual performance changes. When it involves one of our top performers, it is even more concerning.
June FAQ - Completing Midyear Appraisals
Performance appraisals always seem to create some level of questioning or even controversy these days.
4 Things To Do Right Now To Ensure You Achieve Your Goals This Year
Over the past few articles, I have been speaking to where you may find yourself in your goals and personal development for this year so far.
5 Things You Are Doing as a DM That May Prevent Your Best Results
Being a District Manager in a retail environment is a fast-paced, always on, constantly changing role that is absolutely critical to the success of any retail business.
Do You Have a Culture of Success? Here is How the Best Do It
Like them or not, the New England Patriots have a culture of winning. They have won 6 NFL championships in the last 20 years and have been contenders in almost every year they were not the ultimate champions.
Looking for a Way to Build Trust? Here is One Characteristic Successful Leaders Use
Do you want to build trust with your team? How about improving engagement, is that important to you? Of course. Those are silly questions in today’s world.
Have Fun Tracking Your Goals - Play BINGO for Achievement
Many times in our retail environment you come across different ideas to help motivate store teams to connect them to new projects or specific metrics in the business.
Best of 2018 Effective Retail Leader Articles
To close out 2018 I thought I would share the articles that you found the most interesting and helpful from the past twelve months.
Leaders Define the Difference Between Goals and Expectations
The words goals and expectations are two of the common components of the daily lexicon in the retail world. They are sometimes used interchangeably, and other times people argue that they are vastly different. A typical refrain about goals is that they are aspirational
Creating Engagement Through Servant Leadership
The benefits of servant leadership are numerous, but I want to key in on one, in particular, engagement. When you look at a lot of the work that has been published about creating engagement or an engaged workforce, most items come back to the leader.