Great Coaching and Customer Service Have One Important Thing in Common and It’s not What You’d Expect
You may wonder how coaching and customer service may go together outside the tradition thought of a manager coaching an employee on providing service to a customer. But, the two have more in common than one might suspect.
The Value of Creating a Customer Journey Map for You and Your Team
What do you know about your customers? This is a question that all companies ask themselves, and likely try to answer on a regular basis.
September FAQ - Top Performer Slow Down
There are always reasons for sudden or even gradual performance changes. When it involves one of our top performers, it is even more concerning.
Discretionary Effort Improves Service, Quality, and Results - 4 Ways Your Can More From Your Team
The way to deliver consistent, outstanding results is to have a team of people that are giving discretionary effort. Every leader would love to have more discretionary effort.
Why Believing In Training is as Important as Conducting It
Why don’t we make the idea of foundational training more important than we do, and if we were to change our mindset
5 Things You Are Doing as a DM That May Prevent Your Best Results
Being a District Manager in a retail environment is a fast-paced, always on, constantly changing role that is absolutely critical to the success of any retail business.
Responsibility Without Authority - How to Influence Without Titles
I would like to make a difference, influence others, but my current title doesn't allow me to accomplish those things. Perhaps you have heard that before,
Tech Tip - Time Tracking Options
time tracking is not an easy process, especially since we spend a lot of time on different devices, doing multiple things.