Effective Leaders are Strong Influencers - Here's How to Get Started

Understanding more about how to influence as a leader is a reoccurring question I get. I have covered the subject before, but it remains one of the most popular articles I have shared. As I continue to research on the subject, I find different nuances to what influence means and how it can be further developed.Link to What is InfluenceAn interesting component of influence is the fine line it can walk between truly being influence and crossing over into manipulation. The differentiator is intent. Excellent leaders, those other people want to follow, always influence with your best interest in mind. Others may choose to use different tactics to only persuade you to see their point of view for their benefit. The tricky part is that influence by definition is to encourage others to see your perspective and take the actions you would want them to take.I recently read the book Influence by Dr. Robert Cialdini. It was interesting and is largely seen as a must read on the subject and for leaders. It provides information on the sociology, psychology, and physiology of the act of influencing others. It covers in depth the human tendencies and behaviors triggered by external and internal influences. The author does speak to the elements that could be used in ways that would be non-beneficial to someone being influenced by others. It can be as simple as endorsements for products by well-known actors that are used to influence potential purchasers of a product.Why is Influence Important as a Leader?As leaders, the act of influence is important. After all, we are working to create an environment where people are striving to achieve the outcome or vision we have painted. We need them to see things through our lens. So how can you further your journey on becoming more influential in your role?Here are a few quick ideas on getting started and in the coming weeks we will continue to explore additional elements of how the most effective leaders influence others to the benefit of everyone.Continue to research - You have already started down a path of learning, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading this article. There are multiple facets to the subject of influence. The more you learn, the more you will understand how to effectively influence those around you in a way that is mutually beneficial.Practice your conversations - Influence can come in many forms, but the most typical is verbal communication. On subjects you want to influence others in, take time to practice your message. As much as I hate to use anything in politics as an example, it is an area that is a clear example of this. People running for elected offices work hard on their messaging. Their goal is for you to see their perspective and point of view on a certain policy. Just speaking once on the subject will not work and usually, they take weeks or months to continue to hone their message to have maximum impact on those they speak to. You can do the same thing.Ask for feedback- Take time to ask those you are speaking to what is resonating with them. Not only is this an excellent way to learn what is important to those you support or are influencing, but it will let you know if they are ‘getting’ your message. Are they taking away the key points that you hoped they would? What are their feelings on that subject? With this feedback, you can continue to update and polish the message you are carrying.Measure your success - I don’t want this to sound curt, but the best measure of your influence is to see if people are changing behaviors to those you are hoping they would. Here is that fine line again - if you look at it simply as, ‘are they doing what I want them to do’ that could tip in the wrong direction. That likely will not lead to long-term success. However, if people are changing behaviors in the spirit of your direction, making new choices based on the information you are providing and finding their own success in it, then that is the type of influence you want to have. This will result in creating a culture that moves in the direction of your desired outcome and vision.The ability to influence is critical to any leadership role for many reasons. I am hopeful that your research on this subject will allow you to experience all of the benefits that can come from influencing in the right way. I can say this: anyone who advances in their career has influenced someone else. Not always in the right way, but Influence was involved. Exceptional leaders not only move forward with promotions but carry a solid following wherever they go because they influence with other people in mind and do not serve their own interests alone.What else will you do to continue your influence learning journey?Join other retail leaders in continuing their development journey with Effective Retail Leader.com. SUBSCRIBE today to receive FREE leadership tips directly to your inbox and monthly newsletters that provide many tools to help further develop your leadership skills all at no cost. JOIN NOW!No spam ever - just leadership goodness.Photo by Cody Board on Unsplash


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