Our Choices Lead Our Actions - Actions Determine Outcome

Making a choice may be the most powerful action humans can take. We currently do not know whether other animals have the same capacity as humans to understand their options, gather knowledge, store it and then make an informed decision on a vast array of activities on any given day. Our brain is what makes us human.Chuckle at the cliche, but, with great power does indeed come great responsibility. Especially as leaders; the power and the magnitude of your choice is significant. Let's think about that for a moment. We are in full control of what we choose to do. If you don't believe that, you have already made a choice. One to either be personally accountable or to be confined by external forces. Obstacles do exist, few things are easy. But, equally few things cannot be achieved if you broaden your horizons and choose to believe that what you have set out to accomplish can be achieved. Through any journey, whether it be personal or business, we have a choice in what we do.We choose to go to work or not.We choose to bring a positive attitude or to be pessimistic.To do the right things or things of no matter.We choose our teams, our priorities and how we spend our time.We choose to say something or to remain silent, to see something or look the other way.We choose to believe or not.We can choose to simply be compliant or to be courageous; to dream or live the status quo.We choose to create an environment of greatness or that of mediocrity.The point is, we choose.Every day, you have a choice and one that only you can make. So, what will you choose for you? Share your thoughts and comments below.


As the Guide You Become the Hero's Hero


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