3 Big Things You Can Do as a Leader to be More Authentic

There are many things that are written on becoming an authentic leader. In fact, I have written several articles on its importance and what it means to be an authentic leader. There is no better way to build trust and long-term effectiveness than to be seen as someone that others can count on. The behaviors and practices to develop on the journey take time to hone and refine. But if you are looking for some of the initial steps that you can take to build yourself into a truly authentic leader there are some fundamental actions you can take.First, keep it simple and be yourself. That may not sound exciting. Rather, it may seem as though it is blatantly obvious, but I am sure you have encountered leaders that put on different faces or behave in different ways when they are around certain people. Those around you get to know your tendencies, how you react in different situations - if that changes dramatically when your audience shifts, people will question which version of you will show up when they need you most. If you are doing the right things for your team, your company, and yourself then there should be no reason to change who you are in front of certain people. Be your natural self and people will respect and trust what they have in you every day.Second, reinforce your purpose with your actions. The best leaders have clearly defined their purpose to their team. But they take that a step further by continually demonstrating what that purpose and vision look like through their own actions. Keep everything framed within the bigger picture. This is more than just modeling behaviors, this is more about living the outcome you are seeking. This does not require perfection, instead, as obstacles are encountered, acknowledge them for what they are and share your experiences in how you work through them. That is the reality everyone faces. In sharing those experiences people can connect to you in ways that make sense to them. When leaders try to hide their own stumbles and troubles that paint an unrealistic picture of what their team faces. It is much harder for everyone else to relate to those that do not perceive as facing the same situations as they do.Finally, Walk Your Talk. This is very similar to the concept above, but this brings it down to the everyday level. Reinforcing the purpose looks at the bigger picture, walking your talk is the everyday activities you engage in. These are the ones that everyone watches to see how you will conduct yourself in the situations that are faced on a recurring basis. If you claim to build teamwork, then you must demonstrate that you are a team player - engaging those around you and creating an environment for collaboration. Even with the most basic of things, such as timeliness, you will need to be the example for others to follow. This is an early step for showing that you are a servant leader to your team. You are not above them in what is expected from the overall team.These three things may not seem like significant leadership skills, but they will make a big difference in how your team views you. Without these foundational principles, you likely will not be seen as an authentic leader and leaving you short of the impact you want to make. This is an excellent example of not looking beyond the basics to find the most impactful behaviors for long-term leadership success.What can you do for your team to demonstrate your authentic self? Share your ideas in the comments section.Photo by Robert Wiedemann on UnsplashJoin other retail leaders in continuing their development journey with Effective Retail Leader.com. SUBSCRIBE today to receive leadership tips directly to your inbox and monthly newsletters that provide many tools to help further develop your leadership skills. JOIN NOW!No spam ever - just leadership goodness.


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